The voice of an angel, the talent of a prodigy, and the body measurements of a goddess, is pretty much how i would sum up the perfection that is, Alicia Keys.
And just encase you're wondering what her exact measurements are, several reputable websites have listed her as being 34-26-38.
All i have to say about that is caution, curve ahead... Hips don't lie!
Did anyone see the recent episode of Tosh.0 where they showcased a bunch of famous celebrity net worth?
You can probably find it on youtube, but more importantly i visited the site they mentioned on the show, and found out how much money Alicia Keys is worth.
Drum roll please! Alicia Keys' money net worth is $35 million!
Alicia Keys will soon become a wonderful mother of a bouncing baby boy or girls, she is totally on top of the music world with a new hit single dropping every other month.
All of this and she isn't even 30 years old. And don't forget her birthday is January 25, 1981. Send baby shoes...
I think its safe to say that just about everyone can appreciate a nice set of beautiful white teeth, whether they are naturally white or with the help of a trusty teeth whitening product.
Alicia Keys' teeth are almost luminescent, so i would imagine she has a good teeth whitening regimen.
Look who we spotted in a pair of perhaps the most common top dollar sunglasses on the market, none other than the stunning Alicia Keys, wearing a pair of Louis Vuitton Millionaire shades.
And while they don't actually cost 1 million dollars, the going rate for these sunglasses are $1500 big ones.
So save your nickels and dimes because these sunglasses are flying off the shelves quick.
Recently while browsing the web, i stumbled across some pictures of Alicia Keys with some pretty bad acne pimples, and i gotta admit i was pretty shocked because i never really noticed it while seeing her on TV.
Don't get me wrong she is still amazingly beautiful, just with a few blemishes to go along with that beauty.
Did anyone else know that Alicia Keys had this kind of acne?